Follow Your Bliss Stories #1 - How Jeff Probst Got Survivor

The late great mythologist Joseph Campbell spoke of a concept he described as following your bliss. Campbell had recognized a pattern in myths from around the world that he outlined in a functional path he termed “The Hero’s Journey.”

This pattern is seen in most great stories throughout time and culture. Filmmaker George Lucas drew upon his love of this concept in creating Star Wars.

The key is this. The hero in the story - your story - is you. We’re all on the hero’s journey. It’s not an experience reserved for the few. It’s the very essence of why each and every one of us is here.

You often hear elements of the story when people who “hit it big” describe the tale of how it happened. Here survivor host and executive producer Jeff Probst describes how he willed himself to host this wild new show concept - Survivor. His story has many of the classic elements. He even mentions the Campbell-like aspects of his journey. In case no one else reminds you today, you are awesome!Ray