*2020 - Year of the Asterisks

100 years from now 2020 will be remembered as a year with an asterisk by it. Hundreds of iconic events will have an asterisk and a note saying they were not held in 2020. It will be remembered as the year we were reminded our modern, global civilization is not invulnerable to the forces of history or whims of the world in which we live.

May it also be remembered as the year when we “got it.”

May it be the year we got that everyone from the homeless family in the street to richest titan of industry is bound up in a billion connections we can’t even see.

May it be the year that we got that our fates tied up in each other.

May it be the year we understood that there is no escaping our choices. They are everywhere around us.

May it be the year, that understanding that, we chose to make better choices.

May it be the year that investing trillions on things that keep people healthy and their lives better became a wiser investment than things that harm each other.

May it be the year we understood that our priorities had become out of whack and we shifted course towards a world where everyone’s basic needs are accounted for and everyone was granted the freedom, beyond that, to pursue their highest aspirations.

May It be the year we look back upon and say that was the year we learned we had technology in our hands that could change the world for the better in a relative instant.

May it be the year we finally got that our petty differences on this planet are just that - petty.

May it be the year that our thoughts, words, and our actions began lining up to reshape the future of the human race on this planet and beyond.

Finally, may it be the year that each of us recommitted to being the men and women we came here to be.

We’re in the fire now, but quenching rain will come. The sun will again shine on our world and on humanity. May what comes after 2020 be worthy of all the asterisks.
