Recession and Mindset RayQuotes and Affirmations

Financial markets are always really mental markets. With the current spread of COVID-19, markets have lost their minds. Keep yours!


Recessions are mental events more than financial events. There is only recession once the thought was planted.

A recession begins the moment people start believing in it and ends the moment they stop.

A recession is when authoritative figures shout fire in a crowded theater and then scoop up your abandoned popcorn cheap.

Booming minds create booming economies. Recession minds create recession economies.

Recessions are completely based on beliefs. The thought for a recession is planted in the mass consciousness. People and companies start acting fearfully like there’s a recession and then you get the actual recession. It’s mindset not finances.


My personal economy is robust and resilient!

My talents and skills make me recession-proof!

I refuse to participate in a recession mindset.

I'm so busy prospering I don't have time for recession in my life!

My personal economy is booming. My mind is expanding and so are my opportunities!
