12 Entrepreneur Affirmations

Running a small business is often you taking on the world one-in-one. It's long hours, often running on nothing but adrenaline and a dream. These affirmations will help.

  1. I am an amazing business person.
  2. Day by day, I am building the foundation of long-term business success!
  3. A successful business person lives within me and today that person is running my business!
  4. Today and every day, my business generates an ever-growing revenue stream!
  5. I trust my talents! I trust my instincts! I grow my business with determination and integrity.
  6. I am flawlessly executing my business plan and I am succeeding brilliantly!
  7. Today my business has more satisfied customers than ever before!
  8. My business is on a roll! This is my breakthrough year!
  9. I am a thought leader in my industry.
  10. Today I am building a business that will one day allow me to walk the beaches of the world!
  11. My business succeeds as much as my mind allows. Today I am open and ready for BIG success!
  12. I am in the right business at the right time with the right message! 

To your growing and continued success!Ray