Bigger, Bolder, Stronger - Day 332 of 365 Days to a Better You

Today's Affirmation

I bigger than my doubt! I am bolder than my fears! I am stronger than my obstacles!

Life is unpredictable. Challenges come your way that you never saw coming. Sometimes you can "light and love" your way to all the  success and joy you can handle. Other times, it's a real slog. In those moments, it is an unquestioning belief in yourself that must prevail in your heart and in your mind.There's no faking this one until you make it. As the affirmation above says, you have to be bigger than your doubt, bolder your fears, and stronger than your obstacles. For that doubt, those fears, and those obstacles are coming to shut down your dreams, if you'll allow it. They can only do that if you give up or if you yield.Know this! You wouldn't have this goal or this dream unless its achievement or the journey to chase was critical to your being and your well-being.Every dream any dreamer ever had, at some moment in the process, came down to the strength of dreamer's determination to win a victory over those internal and external forces that would snuff it out.You ARE bigger than your doubts. You ARE bolder your fears. You ARE stronger than your obstacles. You ARE destined for great things!In case no one else has reminded you today, you are AWESOME!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal