Let Idealism Be Your Realism - Day 325 of 365 Days to a Better You

Did you used to be young and idealistic? Are you right now? If you're part of the first group, when and where did you lose it? If you're part of the second group, please, please never lose it."Realism" is too often used as an excuse for dashing hope, giving new things a try, or seeing a better world or a better you is even possible."That's just not realistic," says your inner voice, the naysayers, the media , and current structure of the world. Sometimes it appears in the form of a command, "Be realistic!" Sometimes in the form of an excuse to yourself, "I'm just being realistic."Have you ever noticed that being realistic is never aimed in positive direction? No one ever says they're being realistic by expecting good things to happen or the world to become a better place.No, realism, in it's most common use, is a wet blanket, a limiter, a euphemism for closet negativity.If being realistic was the standard, what great thing ever would have been tried much less achieved?So, I don't buy it. When I hear someone pull out the realism card, I just hear someone ceding to the status quo, giving up without trying, and hoping they can convince others to remain hopeless and mediocre along with them.I say to you. Let idealism be your realism. Never become such an "adult" that you stop seeing and striving for big possibilities. The truth is the realistic status quo we live in just isn't good enough. It just doesn't ensure the freedom, security, and basic needs of enough people on this planet. It doesn't point us to the stars or to higher spiritual achievement.Let's choose to become totally unrealistic. Let's bust the ceilings, break the barriers, and open the doors to a new day for human beings and all living creatures on our planet. Sure, there'll be naysayers. So what? So what?Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you're awesome!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal