What Kind of Year Will 2020 Be? - Day 319 of 365 Days to a Better You

We did it! After much fanfare, we've entered a new year and a new decade. The natural question is what kind of year will 2020 be? We don't need a crystal ball or big data to predict the coming year.It's predictable because of age-old measures that will determine where you and we will be one year from tonight. This year, like every other year, will be decided by your thinking, and your acting. It will be decided by stories you tell yourself about who you are and how the world is.It will also be decided by the collective thoughts an actions of all humanity. Will we choose bright, unlimited horizons or will we choose to relive times of darkness and repression?No one can stand against your determination to change your personal destiny. No power can stand against our universal aspirations, if only we remain determined and committed to making them our reality.Yes! 2020 is not up to fate. It's up to us. Let's get started!Just in case no one has reminded you today, you're awesome!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal