Offended Culture - Day 315 of 365 Days to a Better You

Hey, my friends. My apologies for missing a few days. We've been neck deep in our move to the new house and the holidays. I hope you're enjoying this special time with family and friends,Somehow we’ve created a society that is easily offended by...well...about everything. There are two simple steps you can take to increase your happiness and that of others.

  1. Speak more respectfully to others.
  2. Be less easily offended by others.

I’m not saying be politically correct to the point of absurdity nor am I saying don’t stand up for yourself when a situation calls for it.I am saying consider the other person. I am saying pick your battles.If you wish to walk around perpetually offended, you’ll always find some person or some situation, but why seek to bring those feelings into your consciousness unnecessarily?The poet Rumi wrote, “When you go to a garden, do you look at thorns or flowers? Spend more time with the roses and jasmine.”Yes! There’s plenty to offend you in the world, but why spend your energy there in anger? There are also plenty of people and situations that add positive energy to your experience. Spend more time with them.You have a choice. You need not participate in the culture of perpetual offense.Just in case no one has reminded you today, you're awesome!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal