Can Affirmations Help You Focus on What's Important?

Can affirmations help you stay focused on what’s important? Affirmations are a great tool for flooding your consciousness with reminders that help you stay on track.

Thoughts are the foundation of the personal development trinity of thoughts, words, and actions. While words and actions are clearly in the realm of conscious choice, thoughts straddle the conscious and unconscious. So much so, that we divide thoughts into conscious thoughts and unconscious thoughts.

Our conscious thoughts seem to emerge out of nowhere and you often hear people say they can’t control their thoughts. The truth most thoughts and especially thought habits, live in and arise from the subconscious mind.

Think of an iceberg. The part above the surface, while easy to see from a ship, is many times smaller than the part under the water. This can be compared to our conscious and subconscious minds.

Science tells us that our subconscious minds are a kind of wideband recorder recording information that enters our consciousness. They pull in and note many times more information than our conscious minds can process, react to, or respond to.

Thus, whatever environment you’re in, the subconscious mind is soaking it up constantly and forming paradigms about how the world operates. It’s also a massive generator constantly feeding these paradigms and perceptions to the conscious mind. They inform our conscious mind and influence our moment-to-moment thinking, decisions, and I would argue even color experiences as they come into our conscious minds.

The subconscious mind also has a very long memory, especially for highly emotionally charged events that it spends years after fossilizing into consciousness, making it ready to “protect us” next time.

That’s why your self-talk may feed you that mean thing the kid said to you on the playground when you were in third grade when you feel doubt.

In fact, left to its own devices, it will feed you fearful, limiting, and paralyzing thoughts your entire life unless and until you intervene. Affirmations are one great tool for intervening.

They require two things from you. A desire to shift your thinking and massive repetition. Those thoughts that are holding you back are deeply embedded. They are only going to come loose and be replaced by peppering your subconscious mind with better thoughts to replace them. That’s what affirmations are - a massive assault on the embedded negative thinking deeply seated in your subconscious mind.

The trivial, mundane, and unimportant can steal your dreams, if you allow it. Use these affirmations to maintain your focus on what matters.

  1. I know what matters to me and I focus my energy there.

  2. I allow the trivial to be trivial and I focus on what's important.

  3. My big rocks are always my big focus.

  4. My priorities are clear and I stick to them.

  5. I always make the important people important.

  6. I always make the important tasks important.

  7. I am ignoring the distractions in my path today.

  8. I am always willing to trade a moment of fun or a lifetime of freedom.

  9. I am on message. I am on pace. I am on target.

  10. I am 100 percent committed to my dreams.

Stay inspired, my friends! You can stay on course and reach your goals.
