Five Ways to Actually Be The Change - Day 294 of 365 Days to a Better You

You've all heard the famous shortened version of Mahatma Gandhi's quote - "We must be the change we want to see in the world."The question becomes, what are some practical things you can do to be that change? Here are five things every one of us can do to be the epicenter of big changes.

  1. Demand peace. It's time for our species to grow up. Our weapons and their proliferation, if not our moral and common sense, means we must find peaceful ways to coexist on this little blue marble of ours. One very practical thing we can all do is stop electing leaders not committed to peace as a principle. The issue of war and peace is too important to be way down on the list of qualifications. I believe not being committed to peace should be a disqualification.
  2. Live and let live. Going along with number one, our world is too small to continue violently squabbling over belief systems. Have your beliefs. Hold them strong. Give others the same courtesy. That's what freedom is about. As long as the other persons' beliefs aren't harming others, live and let live.
  3. Get different points of view. Even a positive belief that's never challenged can become a hollow and stagnant dogma. Challenge your own beliefs regularly. Hear people with different points of view and really understand how they got there. You'll likely find they're not as a different from you as you think.
  4. Never stop developing yourself. As we've alluded to throughout this series, a better world is brought about by you, me, and everyone else getting better. As more and more of us resolve to get better and do better each day, the vibration of the whole planet benefits.
  5. Believe firmly in a better future for humanity. Our thinking really does create our world. If we allow negative, dystopian views of humanity's future to prevail, then that's what we'll get. See the potential in yourself, in those around you, in all of us. Believe that better is possible and then go out and create that.

By doing these simple shifts in the way you address the world each day, you'll be putting Gandhi's advice into practical application. I'd love to hear other ways we can be the change. Leave your comment below on what else can make us the change.In case no one else has told you today, you're AWESOME!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal