Learning from Supernovas - Day 292 of 365 Days to a Better You

Life is short. It's not exactly a unique insight, but it's the reality for human life. We have a precious few decades to make our mark in this universe.Supernovas are the explosions that end the brief lives of supermassive stars. These stars burn bright and die young, as stars go. Our sun has an estimated lifespan of 10 billion years. It burns slowly and relatively dimly. There are stars out there with a diameter of our entire solar system and they may only live 10 million years.We share something with these stars. Our lives are brief. The difference is we don't burn automatically hot and bright and go out with a bang.We have to work at it and sometimes it's hard. We can drift along invisibly for our time here and leave no mark at all. We have that choice.If you believe, as I do, that we're here to make some difference and that our existence is no accident, then you can use these stars as a metaphor. Your time like theirs is short, but you are going to choose to burn as bright as you can as long as you can. Then, one day, when your light does go out, you'll be a bright burst of energy the whole will witness and miss.If no one else has told you today, you ARE AWESOME! Shine on! RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | One-time PayPal Donation