Stop Missing Profound Truths - Day 286 of 365 Days to a Better You

Sir Winston Churchill once observed, "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened."The universe is constantly placing truths before you; flashing like the bright lights of Las Vegas.  They're impossible to miss unless you're caught up in this "rat race" mindset. At "rat race" speed, your mind is clouded with marching orders, burdens, and you're always in a hurry. When you're in that mode, profound truths could bite you on the nose and you'd miss them completely.These truths are important. They could be telling you how to achieve your next goal or answering a question you asked the universe in frustration, but never waited for the answer.What's the solution?

  • Just be more.
  • Feel more.
  • Stop, look, and listen more.
  • Go within more.
  • Breathe consciously more.
  • Love more.
  • Give others the benefit of the doubt more.
  • Accept more.

Do these things and you'll drop out of rat race mode and see the world more clearly. As you see the world more clearly, the truths trying to make themselves clear to you appear.Those truths don't respond to your hurry, worry, or your distraction. They only show up when you fully show up.Just in case no one else has told you today, YOU ARE AWESOME!Ray

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