Start Your Day with a Thank You Shower - Day 287 of 365 Days to a Better You

We're a little behind to finish this series by the end of the year. I'm going to double up some days, but if we spill over into 2020 so be it.The great Wayne Dyer used to have a practice of saying, "Thank you, thank you, thank you," as soon as he awoke each morning. He said it put him in a place of gratitude to start his day.I've taken his idea and modified it into what I call the "Thank You" shower. The word shower is a double entendres in this case. I often actually do this in the shower, but it's also about showering the world around you with gratitude to start the day.You can make your own list for your Thank You shower. Here's some ideas to get you started.

  1. Thank you for a new 24 hours.
  2. Thank you for another chance to get better.
  3. Thank you for my (significant other).
  4. Thank you for my family.
  5. Thank you for my friends.
  6. Thank you for the gift of my life.
  7. Thank you for my talents that I have to share with the world.
  8. Thank you for the food I need to survive.
  9. Thank you for a warm/cool place to call home.
  10. Thank you for this beautiful planet,
  11. Thank you for this amazing universe.

You can direct your thanks however you'd like - toward God, toward the universe, toward the object of your thanks. You can say them out loud or to yourself. As you start your day with all those people and things you have to be grateful for, let that gratitude infuse your consciousness and inform your day.In case no one else has told you today, you ARE awesome! Thank my amazing readers for spending a few minutes of their valuable time reading this blog each day. RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | One-time PayPal Donation