Break Your Own Habits - Day 281 of 365 Days to a Better You

If you're not careful, life can become one big habit. If you're not careful, life can become one big habit. If you're not careful, life can become one big habit.To choose, is a sacred human right. Yet, scientists estimate that 95 percent of human thinking is unconscious. Why do you drive the same route to work each day? Why do you watch the same shows every week? Why do you always order the same thing every time you go to that restaurant?You might answer because that's the fastest way to work, I like those shows, and that's my favorite dish at that restaurant. Maybe, but do you feel that easy groove you're in? Do you feel how doing the same thing day after day becomes a habit you don't even question?Did you consciously decide to drive to work that way again today or did your body just get up and do it?Sometimes there's value in changing it up just for the sake of changing it up. Sometimes there's value in watching a different show or ordering a different meal just to be consciously choosing instead of letting habit take over.It prevents you from just living a life that you chose years ago and keep repeating and puts the power to choose your life now back in your hands.If you always go right, try going left. Break the mold your life has gelled into and re-choose your life again.The result will be not only a greater diversity of experience, but a greater feeling of ownership for right now.In case no one has told you today, you ARE amazing!RayRayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us