8 Selfless Things You Can Do Today - Day 268 of 365 Days to a Better You
Every day, if you look, provides numerous opportunities to do something selfless. Here are eight selfless things you could probably in less than an hour today.
- YELP review - did you recently have great experience with a local business? Take a few minutes to write a glowing review for them on YELP.
- Plug someone's work - retweet, share, or recommend a creative person's work. It could be an author, a podcaster, an artist, a singer, or another blogger. Social media makes this so easy. Liking is nice, but if you really appreciate someone's work, share it with the world.
- Give the best tip - next time you're at a restaurant and get great service or see that someone's working hard but having a tough day, make their day. Don't just give them the standard 15 percent. Reward them with the best tip they're likely to get all day.
- Share your parking space - we've all felt the frustration of trying to find a parking space in a busy parking lot. Find a way to make someone's day by helping them get your spot when you leave.
- Go the extra mile - when someone asks for a favor or needs your help, give them a little more then they asked for. Give a little extra. People will be surprised a $ appreciative.
- Good regifting - when it's your birthday or even Christmas, ask people to skip the gift for you and give it to a great cause. Facebook has made this super simple.
- Appreciation- who gets enough appreciation in this world? Almost every day, I pick 3-5 people - at work, on social media, or in my personal life -and I tell them how much I appreciate what they do and what how much value it brings to everyone.
- Set the example - help other people be more generous by setting an example. Research shows other people are more willing to do something kind for the next person when they've received a kindness. Start the ripple that becomes a wave.
Most of all, be aware. Opportunities to be selfless present themselves all the time. "When you see a chance", as the old Steve Winwood song says, "take it."Make today your best day yet this week! I love you all!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us