Box? What box? - Day 266 of 365 Days to a Better You

This photo was shared by my friend, Becky Sivley, over on Facebook this morning.We've all heard the phrase - think outside the box. It's generally regarded as a positive aphorism. However, there's a subtle but powerfully negative assumption in that phrase.It assumes you're starting in a box or that there is even a box to start in. Sure, society is constantly trying to put us in various boxes. What if we simply choose not to play?What if, instead, we see ourselves and the people around us as genius creatives and empowered agents of this universe capable of just about anything?Lose the box and your other limits. You don't need them and they were likely never more than societally planted control mechanisms to begin with.In case no one else reminds you today, you're AMAZING you boxless wonder.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us