If You Keep On Doing What You're Doing - Day 265 of 365 Days to a Better You

Tough times don't last, but tough people do.~Robert H. Schuller

You know the rest of the aphorism, "You'll keep on getting what you're getting." I'm here to tell you today that's not always true. This quote is often used to inspire people who are not acting on their dreams to make a change and take some action.You, though? You've been working your plan, doing all the right things, and you just haven't caught your lightening in a bottle yet. You stopped doing what you were doing a long time ago and you're wondering, "When will I see my results?"Good for you! Good for you that you had the courage to try something different and keep at it! If you're doing all the right things, then keep on doing what you're doing!

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.~Walt Disney

Here are a few quick ways to make sure that doing what you're doing, will eventually get you what you want.

  1. Test your results - you had a plan at the beginning. Is it working? Do you need to tweak it? If so, what do you need to stop doing, do more of, or do less of?
  2. Time - you may be doing all the right things, but you're not investing the needed time to get the results as quickly as you'd like. Re-evaluate your time commitment.
  3. Learning - to be really good at anything, you have to keep learning. Are you continuing to build your knowledge in your area of focus? When you "burst onto the scene" in your business or niche or reach your personal objective, all the knowledge you've accumulated will be worth and useful.
  4. Investment - are you trying to do the whole thing yourself? With a small investment, could you automate or get some expert advice that will speed up the process and allow you to focus on the most important things.
  5. Distractions - we all have distractions in life. What can you do to minimize yours so that they're not holding you back.
  6. Mindset - maybe the most important thing you can do is master your mindset. The only person committed to making your dream a reality is you. You may be the only person who really believes in this dream until it makes a splash in the world. You're the only fan and the only detractor at this point. Which one you choose to be will decide how fast your reach your goals.

Yes! I see you. I see striving. I see you working late into the night or early in the morning around your day job. I see you wanting this SO bad. You just keep on doing what you're doing and just wait and see what you get!Love you all. Stay true to your vision of you!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us