Tug of War for Your Dreams - Day 257 of 365 Days to a Better You

Do you remember when you were a kid picking teams for a game in gym class? Imagine the game is tug of war. You've been selected as one of the captains. It's 10 kids to a team, but you have 30 kids in your class. The other captain and you each pick your team of 10 and 10 kids are left out.You line, grab the rope, and begin pulling. After a few seconds, the gym teacher tells two of the kids sitting out to join the other team. With the added help, they begin to pull your team toward defeat, but your team is tough and you manage to regain your footing and hold your ground.The gym teacher tells two more kids to join the other team. Now, the other team is pulling you more rapidly toward defeat. Finally, the gym teacher has the rest of the kids join the other team. Your team collapses immediately and is dragged helplessly to defeat.You jump up and scream, "That wasn't fair!" You would, right? I mean 20 versus 10 is going to end only one way. If you're the 10, it's not good for you.Now I want you to think about your life and your dreams. You are the captain of two tug of war teams - Team Dream and Team Doubt. These teams aren't made of people. They're comprised of your thoughts and feelings. They're locked in an eternal struggle for the outcome of your dreams.You begin the match with belief, confidence, action, determination, and vision on Team Dream. You start pulling and you're starting to win, but it's not happening as fast as you imagined. You start to feel the doubt creeping in and add a couple of new members to Team Doubt - "What if I'm not good enough?" "This is how things always go for me."You start to lose ground and you add a couple more members to Team Doubt. "Why can't I win just this once?" "This isn't fair."This process continues until your doubts drag your dream mercilessly through the mud. You'd like to jump up and scream, "That wasn't fair," but you did it to yourself.This metaphor is a process the teacher Abraham Hicks calls Contrast. You have your thoughts, feelings, and actions aligned for success, but they're met by an equal or superior force of countering thoughts, feelings, and actions pulling the other way. You wind up failing or at best in a stalemate.Powerhack: Logic tells you there's two ways to change the situation. You either have to provide more force behind your positive thoughts and feelings...which is not very efficient considering you probably were already pushing as much as you could. It's more effective to clear the doubts and negative thoughts and feelings.Some of the biggest doubts are what I'd term the journalist questions - who, what, where, when, and why, and how. It's normal to wonder these things, but because you don't have ready answers they all produce doubt.You know you want to be a rock star, but you don't have an answer to all the journalist questions. How do you proceed? STAY GENERAL and AVOID SPECIFICS. I know this sounds counterintuitive to your western-trained mind. Specifics become blockers and doubts. You get caught up in who, what, where, when, why, and how and you lose sight of and energy toward the goal.Instead, simply hold the vision of the goal, line up the empowering thoughts, feelings, and actions and let God or the Universe handle the details. As you move along with this positive force toward your goal, the people, places, and situations you need will appear. Trust and allow. You don't have to release every last bit of doubt. That wouldn't be human. You simply need to give your positive energy the advantage in the tug of war.As you release the energy of doubt and resistance, it's like dropping weights from a hot air balloon, you'll begin to rise. The more resistance you drop, the faster you'll ascend.When it comes to the tug of war for your dreams, simply stop putting members on Team Doubt.Thank you all for reading and for the amazing support you've shown this blog this year. I'm grateful that you spend valuable time from your day here.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us