What Finally Got Me to Drink More Water

We all know we need to drink more water than we do, I'm someone who simply won't eat or drink anything that lacks an appealing taste. For years, I sought a flavored water that tasted good enough to encourage me to drink more.Until recently, most flavored waters either had artificial flavors or sweeteners. Despite that drawback, I never found one that tasted good enough to keep me drinking regularly.About 18 months ago my wife and I tried Hint for the first time. It's purified water infused with the essence of fruits. No sweeteners, no calories, and it tastes great.My water intake has increased by 200 percent with Hint. For the first time, water often seems like the most appealing option.The company offers a subscription service that allows you to customize your flavors and your delivery cadence.There are more than a dozen flavors in all. They're sold in individual bottles or 12 packs. My personal favorites are apple, watermelon, and cherry.If you're interested in learning more or trying Hint, you can get those details on Amazon. Here's my affiliate link. If you use it, I'll get a small commission from Amazon. That helps support the TAS platform.Water is life. Getting adequate hydration improves so many other areas of your health. For me, the more water I drink, the better I feel. Hint has been the answer to keeping me on the water wagon.Thanks for stopping by. Wishing you and those that matter to you a healthy and productive week.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal