Radicalizing Your Transformation - Day 245 of 365 Days to a Better You

Before I begin, THANK YOU. Subscriptions to this blog have doubled this year. That's thanks to all of you spending your valuable time reading and sharing with a friend. My deepest gratitude for it.Many of you have probably encountered the serenity prayer at some point in your lives. It's a beautiful, inspiring prayer that many, including me have found empowering. There's a line in that prayer that reads:"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."Today I came across a quote that twists this line in a radical way and it immediately resonated with me. It's the rebellious cry of someone ready to challenge the status quo. Not surprising, because it was coined by a political activist and professor named Angela Davis. She spent her early life operating way outside the political and civil norms in our culture.Here's the quote. "I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept."The power of the serenity prayer is its reliance on the power of acceptance and rest there are forces beyond our control. All true. At certain times in your journey, this is a needed message.However, if you're feeling stuck, trying the same things over and over, and getting nowhere; you may need to radicalize your mindset to the second quote. It's a statement filled with fire and determination to overcome the obstacles that stand between your dreams and you. It's a refusal to accept what is anymore. It's a statement of I'm ALL IN in on changing my circumstances.I think we can find wisdom and power in both quotes. If you're ready to kick your status quo to the curb, the second quote may provide the fuel to inspire it. I think you're entitled to get radical for your dreams.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal