11 Ways to Jump Start Your Morning Energy - Day 243 of 365 Days to a Better You

Let's face it. Even most uber go-getters would rather hit the snooze button a couple more times. Most people have to push themselves to get out of bed and get going. Arriving at your desk, the job site, or school reminds you that you have a long list of to-dos, meetings, and commitments today. All of that's good. It means you're contributing to the world.Here are 10 non-caffeinated - not judging the caffeine- ways to to fire up your engines ant have you off after your goals and dreams at warp speed.

  1. Say an affirmation or positive quote. Say it to yourself until you really feel it...I mean REALLY feel it.
  2. Reconnect with nature. Go find the sunrise. Absorb it and reconnect with the cycles of nature. If you're an early-riser, go find the moon. If you're a late-riser, go listen to the birds or the wind. Just connect.
  3. Do some busy work. Literally, pay the bills, clean out your inbox, or wash the dishes. Any mundane task will do. Action puts you into the flow of the day and prepares you for the next task.
  4. Spoon full of sugar. You remember the old sing. "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down." Dealing with tasks that feel like "medicine" this morning? Set a mini-goal and grant yourself a reward when you complete it.
  5. Feel the fear and do it anyway. This was a title of a fantastic motivational book by Susan Jeffers back in the day. What's your toughest task today; the one that has you most stressed? Do it first. Get it out of the way and you'll be rewarded with an emotional high, not to mention sense of accomplishment, for the rest of the day.
  6. Ease into it. This is the opposite of the previous strategy. Knock out several quick, easy tasks. The sense that you're getting stuff done today gives you a momentum to tackle the bigger things.
  7. Email or text. Do you need help or input from someone at work or in your personal life? Send them a text or email first thing. That way they can start working on what you need while you push forward with other tasks. By the time they respond, you'll be ready to use their input.
  8. Learn something new. I always say the reason I get up each day is to learn something new. We live in an amazing time where limitless information is right at our fingertips. Google something you've been curious about and learn more before you start your regular work.
  9. Let something go. We all accumulate baggage as we go through life. It's hard to get a balloon- or your morning - off the ground with weights holding you down. Cut some baggage loose to lighten your load.
  10. Small stokes fell great oaks. Feeling overwhelmed by your do-dos this morning? Does have you paralyzed? This famous Ben Franklin quote reminds you that big risks can be achieved by breaking them down into small tasks. You don't have to do it all at once,
  11. Remember your purpose. Having trouble getting started today? Remind yourself why you do whet you do and for who. Obstacles seems much more conquerable when compared to your why.

I hope these tips help you get your day off to a GREAT start! As always, thank you for supporting my work and this blog.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal