Balancing Acceptance and Not Giving Up - Day 240 of 365 Days to a Better You

The caterpillar must be a caterpillar, while never ignoring he is becoming a butterfly. You and I must accept our caterpillar-ness in this moment without conceding our butterfly-ness for a single moment.I've found that deep breathing and affirmations work well together. So, I often incorporate breathing right into the affirmation.Today's affirmation is: Breathing in, I completely accept that what is is. Breathing out, I am absolutely determined Ed to change it!I've been using a version of this affirmation for years. It hepls me balsnce two very important, but seemingly contradictory, principles. Those are acceptance and a strong desire for change.Acceptance of what is is a critical foundation for any change. I can't thin' of an instance where denial of a present reality is useful or healthy. However, that reality might be something you're absolutely determined to change.

  • You accept your current state of health as your real starting place, but you want to inspire change to live healthier. You can modify this very flexible affirmation to something like the following. Breathing in I accept that I am out of shape. Breathing out I am exercising every day to change it!
  • You accept the current state of conflict in the world. You can modify this affirmation to something like: Breathing in, I accept that peace is not our current reality. Breathing out, I am working like hell to change it!

You can apply this affirmation to virtually any current and desired state of affairs.Using the affirmation regularly grounds you. It commits your mind to both acceptance and a determination never to give up on what you know can be. I recommend using your affirmation with with more aspirational affirmations to tilt the balance in favor of the desired state.Examples:

  1. Breathing in, I accept that I have a C in chemistry. Breathing out, I am working my butt of to make that an A.
  2. I am a great student!
  3. I own chemistry!
  4. I am acing my final chemistry exam!
  5. I deserve to make straight A's!

Give this a try. I think you'll find it an effective way to deal with the now, while continuing to work for your goals.Thank YOU for reading this blog. If you're getting value from it, please like, comment, or share it with a friend. You'l find more motivational and thought-provoking content on my other social media accounts. Let's connect there too.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal