Conscious Becoming - Day 239 of 365 Days to a Better You

The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.

~John Ruskin

It's happening every moment of every day. There, it just happened again. With every sensory impression, thought, word, action, experience, you're becoming something different than you were the moment before. So is everyone and everything else around you.This is a natural process of our universe. As far as we know everything is subject to it. To say that you are this or you are that is not a static definition. It's a snapshot captured in an instant of constantly unfolding process; one that never ends.However, this is more than a philosophical banter on a Monday morning. This universal process can be harnessed toward your objectives.If you're constantly changing, why not change into what you choose? Why not make the process conscious?You certainly have control of your thoughts, words, and actions. You can modify them before and as they occur. You may not have complete control of your sensory impressions or your experiences, but you do have some control over how you respond to them and who you become as a result of them.Things aren't just out there randomly happening, though it can seem that way. What you're becoming, consciously or unconsciously, is the result of your active participation in the process. Your expectations attract like experiences. Your pattern of thought generate more similar thoughts. How you precess your experiences becomes your reality.You are becoming. Don't become accidentally. Be conscious become who you choose.Thank you all for stopping by and for your comments, likes, and support!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal