A Nice Challenge - Day 235 of 365 Days to a Better You

Nice. Kind. Generous. Selfless. You get the idea. I challenge you to give back today in big ways or small as you see fit. When you've given a little back, do something nice for you.Here's the mission; should you choose to accept. Be the ambassador of all things kind today.

  1. Do something nice for someone you love.
  2. Do something nice for a friend.
  3. Do something nice for a stranger.
  4. Do something nice for someone who deserves it.
  5. Do something nice for someone who doesn't deserve it.
  6. Do something nice for someone online.
  7. Do something nice for someone not able to do anything for you.
  8. Do something nice for yourself.

Let's, you and me, create a ripple of nice in the world today. I'd say it needs it, wouldn't you? If not us, who? If not now, when?When you're done, I'd love to hear your story in the comments below.Have a day, that at the end, you'll be able to say, "Nicely done."RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal