Profound Moments - Day 225 of 365 Days to a Better You

In our hurry up world, it's easy to miss the profound moments happening around us all the time. Our hurry disconnects us, I believe, from what's authentic and real. Poetry is an amazing doorway into experiencing these moments. What the poems or what those moments mean is an experience utterly unique to you.Today I'll share two poems. The first was written by yours truly in 1993. It may not be world-class poetry, but describes a scene I experienced in my mind's eye while listening to Music from The Hearts of Space.


In profound contemplation

on a gray wind-swept beach at dusk.

Reaching for a stone, I hurl it into the sea.

Wondering, as I do, whose universe I’ve shuddered.

And, how my universe has been fundamentally altered by the act.

Then I watch a seagull feed her young and listen as the sun sinks beneath the waves.

The second is a profound poem by the 8th century Chinese poet Li Po (also know as Li Bai).

“The Birds Have Vanished”

(English translation by Sam Hamill)

The birds have vanished into the sky,and now the last cloud drains away.

We sit together, the mountain and me,until only the mountain remains.

What are we touching in those moments of profound connection? Why does it touch something so deep within us? These are questions that must not be brushed aside by our hustle and bustle.

Wishing you all an amazing evening! That should be easy, as amazing as you are!

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