Big, Crazy, Ideas - Day 221 of 365 Days to a Better You

Count me a fool for big, crazy ideas and a dolt for big flipping dreams. Forgive me for not realizing I should have given up my idealism because I have a certain number of candles on my birthday cake. Pardon me for not accepting the belief that being "an adult" means capitulation to small thinking.There's been a definite theme in my world this week. I've been in a number of personal and online conversations this week where people have conveyed to me that I should cease aiming for the stars for our country and our world and get some realism. I should accept that what is is and it will never change.No, that's not what these good people thought they were conveying. They thought they were being logical, practical, and real. They thought they were talking me back from the edge of what we all know can't be.To that, I say thank you but no thank you. When I look around, I see a world stuck for the lack of big thinking. I see people sad because they "grew up" and stopped pushing for their dreams and their ideals. They packed it in, put on the armor of hardened dogma and "status quoism" and called it good.Well, as long as I draw breath, that will never be me! I'll never cease believing that the richest nation in the history of the world can figure out an enlightened approach to ensuring access to healthcare for all its citizens. I refuse to buy into the idea that we must fix every pothole on Earth before we can reach for the stars. I will never surrender to the idea that hatred and perpetual war is a natural, normal state for the human race. I will always believe we can create a just society where every single person lives in dignity and genuine abundance of mind, body, and spirit.If I have to die on these "crazy" hills, I'm in. If you ask me to apologize for seeing a better humanity and a better world, I decline. I'd rather be labeled a crazy dreamer than succumb to the death of small thinking.WHO'S WITH ME?I love you all. Be crazy for your BIG dreams today.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal