Five Ways to Open Your Mind - Day 215 of 365 Days to a Better You

People always tell you, "Have an open mind." Rarely, do they suggest how. Here are five very practical ways to open your mind.

  1. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes. We wake up every morning and have to work our compassion and love around this big "I" stuck in the middle of our minds. Choose to consciously stand in someone else's perspective, without judgement, for a while. You will open yourself to whole new ways of thinking.
  2. Do things with your off hand for a day. Nothing closes our minds to new possibilities like mindless habit. Doing things with your opposite hand requires focus and forces you see your daily activities in a new way.
  3. Play What If. What if just for today you accepted a premise that's completely out of your comfort zone. You don't have to buy in 100 percent. Just give it a chance for one day and see where it takes you.
  4. Phone a friend. Have a challenge? Ask three of the most different people you know how they'd handle the situation. The diversity of views might just help you triangulate the best approach.
  5. Get out of your comfort zone. That's such common advice, I know, that's it's practically useless. Here's a practical way to do it by changing your priorities. When given the choice between "The Adventure" and your security, choose "The Adventure" more often. The security in staying where you are is just the illusion of familiarity. You're not more secure by staying put than by keep in moving. So, choose to keep in moving.

Follow these five tips often and I guarantee you you'll have a productively more open mind in six months then you do today.Stay the course, my friends! One new thought can open a whole new world and you never know when it might happen.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal