Use I AM Wisely - Day 210 of 365 Days to a Better You

You likely say the phrase I AM or it's shortened version I'm 50-100 times a day. And if you count the times you think them, and that's equally impactful, it's several multiples of that number.No two words are more powerful and there's something else you should know. Subconsciously, every time you say them, you're creating an equation where what you say next is equal to I AM.This is why they are the most common and powerful opening to affirmations. What equations are you burning into you're subconscious?

  • I am a failure.
  • I'm always late.
  • I am bad at tests.
  • I am a bad parent.
  • I am never going to...

You get the idea. More than likely it's a mix of positive and negative, but you often use the negative I AMs to systematically best yourself down. Stop it! Get conscious about it. Catch yourself doing that and correct it.One great way to use your I AMs to maximum positive effect is to consciously turn them into affirmations. Drown out the negative I AMs with a tsunami of positive ones.Make the power of that subconscious self-equation machine work FOR you.Love you all and I'll talk to you again tomorrow.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal