Refuse to Give In to Dystopian Mindsets - Day 202 of 365 Days to a Better You

Dystopia - defines it as follows.

An imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic.

I'm going to make a statement that might shock some of you. There are two things - and only two things - completely out of our control in the world as we understand it. We are born and we die. Every single thing in between is fungible.Individually and collectively, our thinking literally creates our world. We've probably covered this principle half a dozen times in our 200 plus days together thus far. Projecting dystopian ideas into the mass consciousness through media, religious books, or any other means is literally helping to create that world.The more we focus on it, the more likely we are to make it all come true.This video is in response to a couple of recent comments on my Anunnaki Awakening Facebook page. We must understand the power of our thoughts and use them in ways that move us forward positively.Love you ALL! Hold out for and demand our best possible future.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal [youtube]