Be An Allower - Day 192 of 365 Days to a Better You

Abraham Maslow said back in 1966, "I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."Some of the stock language in personal development and often on this blog is set goals, measure results, push, hustle, and dream bigger. These words of determination and encouragement and the "Type A" actions they inspire are certainly one way to the goal. However, as Maslow eloquently points out, having only one tool and one way of doing thing soon becomes problematic.There's another methodology that can also get you to your goals. It's slower and more patient, but can be equally effective. Ironically, it's the polar opposite the one above.I was recently listening to an Abraham Hicks video on YouTube. He had come up with a name for this alternate approach - Allower.While the driver approach is embodied by two hands on the boats wheel and full speed ahead, the Allower has hands off the wheel allowing the river to steer and moving at the pace of the flow. This approach means giving up the control and letting the current push you where it will, as you make the most of the opportunities that come your way.The speed boat may get down the river faster than the leaf, but they both get down the river. You may find the Allower approach less stressful and a better fit for your personality. If not, you can still add it to your toolbox, allowing you to put down the hammer once in a while and still succeed.Thanks for stopping by. If this post spoke to you, please share it with a couple friends.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us