Stop Touching Bottom - Day 191 of 365 Days to a Better You

Today's Quote

A comfort zone is a safe and beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.~Ray Davis

Do you remember when you first learned to swim as a kid? You could kind of swim, but you weren't really sure about it and so you'd wade slowly into the pool or the lake. You'd get to that point where the water was dancing off your chin and then you'd go to tippy-toe mode, but you were still touching bottom.Do you remember that moment of faith when you were willing to let go of the need to touch bottom? There was a moment of slight panic; your safety net gone. However, quickly you were off swimming, having forgotten all about touching bottom.You can use the touching bottom metaphor in your life too.If you're in a job where your feet are firmly planted on the bottom of the "pool" and you're not challenged any more, you need to let go of your need to touch bottom and either challenge yourself more or find a job that does. If you have a business or a passion and you're still touching bottom, you're not really all in yet. If you're in a relationship where you're both touching bottom; where's the fun and the growth?If you want to take any area of your life to the next level, you've got to allow yourself to let go of touching bottom. There will be that moment of panic - sure - but it's the only way for you to reach the heights your capable of reaching.I'm talking as much to me as I am to you tonight. I've got a second book to write in my Anunnaki series and I don't know how some people in my life are going to take it. It's had me writing and slowing down the process to make sure I am still touching bottom. I've got some big things planned with a YouTube show and I'm going to be in some new territory for me. There's going to be a tendency to want to touch bottom.Let's take that step where we can't touch bottom anymore together and see where in the heck that can take us.Stay inspired, keep dreaming, keep reaching, and absolutely lose your footing into the deep end of the pool.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us