Life is Constantly Working Itself Out - Day 185 of 365 Days to a Better You

When you stop existing and you start truly living, each moment of the day comes alive with the wonder and synchronicity.― Steve Marabol

Life is constantly working itself out, if you'll let it.I was reminded of this fact today in a very symmetrical example of the principle. At lunchtime, I ran a few errands ending at the grocery store. As I completed the my shopping at self-checkout, I had a sudden impulse to take $50 in change. I didn't have any reason for taking the money nor any plans for it.For dinner, April and I decided to do carryout from a fantastic Mexican place I found near our new place. April wanted some wine and I opted for a Route 44 Dr. Pepper from Sonic.The restaurant is about a 10-minute drive from our house. As I pulled into the restaurant, I realized I'd forgotten my wallet. I immediately remembered the $50, hoping I had enough. The cost of two Mexican dinners, one bottle of wine, and a Route 44 came to $48.96.Now, I agree. This synchronicity didn't bend the arc of our civilization or even the arc of my day. BUT, it's an example of how, if we're paying attention and we stay out of the way, life is constantly working out in a million little ways.Pay attention to the ways life is working out FOR you. You'll be happy and amazed!Thanks so much for stopping by. If this blog is one of your little synchronicities, please like, subscribe, and share it with a friend.Ray