What We Can Learn from Ross Perot - Day 183 of 365 Days to a Better You

Ross Perot passed away today. He was 89. I know Perot was eccentric and rubbed some people the wrong way with his folksy presentation style. Still, there's much to admire in Mr. Perot and much we can emulate.He was a walking contradiction to many of the reasons we all have for not succeeding and excelling.He was born dirt poor, but rose to be a billionaire at a time when that meant doing more than flipping a tech company at just the right moment. We often think that tall, attractive, and well-spoken is the path to success. He was short, had big ears, and an accent that entertained.When the largest corporation the world (IBM) told him his ideas wouldn't work, he risked everything to go out on his own and proved them completely wrong. When faced with duopolistic political system that was not speaking to the needs of the people, he went his own way again and made the biggest dent anyone has made in that system in the past 150 years.In short, he didn't stop at no, didn't let things that would have held many back stop him, and he endeared himself to many Americans by speaking plain truth rather than politicalese. He was an original most successful people are.Yes. I think there's much from Ross Perot's life and approach that you and I can apply to whatever mountain we're climbing or challenge we're facing. RIP, Ross.Stay inspired and keep fighting for your dreams today. Even small strokes, as Ben Franklin reminded, fell great oaks.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us