How Badly Do You Want It? - Day 180 of 365 Days to a Better You

Today's AffirmationI refuse to be out-hustled for the opportunities in my life!

In the game of basketball, every possession matters. Getting more possessions in the course of a game means you get more chances to score. Coaches today make a big deal of what are called "50-50 balls."Generally, possessions alternate after each team has a chance with the ball. However, during the course of a game, there are opportunities to get extra possessions by winning the race to inevitable loose balls. A team's ability to get a majority of the loose balls is seen as a sign of desire and tenacity.Although his gambling later kept Pete Rose out of the MLB Hall-of-Fame, there's no denying the impact he left on the game. He wasn't a particularly gifted athlete, but nobody out-hustled Rose. He famously became known as Charlie Hustle. His penchant for taking the extra base, diving to catch a ball, and sliding headfirst made a statement that you weren't going to beat him unless you wanted it more than him and that was a rarity.Our lives have loose balls and extra bases for the taking all the time. Opportunities are everywhere for those who are willing to go after them with tenacity and refuse to be denied.The question is not will you have a chance? You will. The question is, when you have your chances, how badly do you really want to make something of them?Your answer will be your outcome.Have an amazing Friday, my friends! Thanks for dropping by the TAS Blog!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us