Perfection is Distraction - Day 178 of 365 Days to a Better You

Hey, my friends. I've been out of action due to our move and a lack of internet or time at the same time. We made it back to Kansas and now we're waiting for stuff to arrive next week.I'd actually recorded a video for Day 178, but it doesn't make sense to post it now. It was challenging let go of 177 days of perfect blogging on Friday. I really wanted to push through to Day 365 without a break.I spent part of the day Saturday feeling like I'd failed; failed me and failed all of you. Nonsense! What fails us is the belief that we can or should be perfect. The time we waste beating ourselves up for not being perfect is time that could be spent picking ourselves up and renewing our efforts towards our goals.In short, perfection is a distraction that prevents us from success and even greatness. If you're not perfect, join the club. I'm not either. Let's stop holding ourselves to that standard. When we do, our greatness will emerge.Good to be back! Wishing all of you a GREAT and perfectly imperfect Wednesday!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us