Refusing to Let Anger Win - Day 177 of 365 Days to a Better You

It happens to all of us and today it happened to April and me. You've done everything right. You've planned. You've executed your part. Yet, life decides not to cooperate.Six weeks ago we hired a moving company to move us from Boston to Kansas City. They were supposed arrive Monday. They cancelled and move the packing and pick up to Tuesday. All day Tuesday, they kept moving the tine back and finally cancelled. No problem. They promised to be at our house first thing this morning. The delays started again all the way up to 7:30 this evening they were supposedly coming. The national company that outsourced to them has no control over what they do.Am I mad? You bet! I've been strung along and lied to for two days. Here's the thing. I haven't forgotten there are human beings on the other end of the phone. I haven't compromised who I am while strongly pushing for a resolution.Our close is now tomorrow morning and our house is partially packed and we don't know if we have a mover tomorrow or not.I plan to get up, face the day, make my case, make the decisions that need to be made, but not lose my humanity or steal anyone else's.It is possible to support your position in life in any situation without letting anger win.You're amazing! Stay that way.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us