Go With All Your Heart - Day 176 of 365 Days to a Better You

Few human masters are better remembered for their simple wisdom than Confucius. His intellect was one of the pillars of the ancient Chinese culture and even of the modern Chinese psyche.One of my favorite pieces of Confucius advice is, "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."You're here in this place and this time. You've already "bought the ticket." So, take the ride. Why not go after what you want and who you can become with all you are? Why allow half-heartedness, uncertainty, or doubt stop you from reaching the top of your mountain?You know the answer to these questions. Please don't waste your time going over the plan one more time. Start climbing that mountain and the wisdom of how will greet you along the way!You are all amazing! Thank you for reading this blog. I wish you all a wonderful night's sleep and a brilliant beginning to your tomorrow.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us