Lessons Learned and Unlearned - Day 159 of 365 Days to a Better You

Lessons learned grow us. Lessons unlearned, well, they grow us too.

Good morning, my friends. I hope your Saturday is off to a beautiful beginning!The Universe is a giver. It never stops giving us chances to be the person we came here to be.There's a spiritual principle I learned many years ago and have found to be true time and again. It's that life continues presenting you with certain lessons time and again until you choose to learn them.We do live in a universe of free will. We are always free at every moment to learn the lessons life is teaching or to ignore them and pass them on for another time. Yet, the big ones will keep showing up for us in various forms until we accept the challenge and deal with them.I often say that the only reason I get up every day is to learn something. My day feels complete when I do. Learning things - simple things and profound things - grow us as a person and as a being on this miraculous journey through time, space, and beyond.However, the lessons we choose not to learn grow us too by making us face time and again those challenges we need to face to move on to the next stage in our development.Power Hack: I'll bet you could probably name a few of those lessons you've faced and put off a number of times. The Universe is very creative in how it presents them over and over in the weave of our lives.Just know, to reverse the old saying, when the student is ready, the lesson is there.Stay amazing. Don't let anyone tell you you're not! Thanks for taking valuable minutes out of your life to be here reading this blog. If you're enjoying it, please share!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us