Gratitude for Things We Take for Granted - Day 155 of 365 Days to a Better You

There are million little things we take for granted every day that make our lives work. We're not, nor could we be, constantly cognizant of them all.

  • You take for granted the sun comes up each morning.
  • You take for granted all the systems in your car are functioning as they need to be to allow you to safely drive down the highway at 70 miles per hour.
  • You take for granted that the cook at the restaurant is taking health precautions in preparing your food.

There are just so many. Perhaps the most vital thing we take for granted is the next breath. We take over 17,000 breaths a day. We've been doing it all day every day for years or decades. It's easy to take it for granted.Unless you do certain kinds of meditation practice, you probably only notice your breath when you are out of breath or having trouble breathing.For instance, April and I were on a late flight from Chicago to Boston the other night. I didn't know it until yesterday, but I had bronchitis developing. As some of you know, the pressurized cabin in a plane exacerbates symptoms like that.I was having a terrible time breathing on the flight. For two hours, I was practically having to consciously force breaths in and out. April was AWESOME, as she always is, helping me. It was quite frightening. It took all the Zen I could muster to stay focused and make it back to Boston.It reminded me how something I don't notice most of the time can become so important.Power Hack: These forgotten things you take for granted fill in the gaps and make your life work. As I said above, it's humanly impossible and not even productive to pay attention them all. However, you can develop a strong sense of gratitude for these little miracles that lay the foundation on which you can build your big dreams. Without the sun, the next breath, or those systems in your car, where would you be?Stay in gratitude, my friends, and thanks for reading today.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us