Lead By Example - Day 152 of 365 Days to a Better You

You must be a credible leader before you can be an incredible leader.

It's clear the world is in need of more conscious leadership. Though there's still a hard push to re-centralize power on this planet, the way forward is with less centralized power. Why? Because, frankly, our institutions are too slow to deal with the changes our species will soon face. Often, they're unwilling to even acknowledge those coming changes.It's going to be up to each of us to be a leader, if we want to make sure these changes propel humanity forward rather than push us into a dystopian nightmare.  Never will conscience and wisdom be so needed.To be a leader in the coming world, you must be credible. You must walk the walk and talk the talk like never before.Years ago, I read a book about silly laws that were still on the books. One came from my home state of Kansas. The law read, "If two trains come to a crossing at the same time, they both must come to a complete stop and neither can move until the other one leaves." Well, you immediately see the problem, don't you?Many of the wise and conscious characteristics that will make or break us in the coming decades are like this too. Hatred, strife, division, and fear rankle our society today. These can only be over Peace, compassion, unity, and love. But, who will go first? Who will be peaceful in the face of hatred? Who will meet strife with compassion?The answer is like the two trains. If you're waiting for someone else to go first, we're never going to get there. Someone has to take that risk and be that leader. Is it you? Are you willing to take the first step or perhaps endure the last insult to end the anger?This is sage level stuff, but the world needs sages now more than ever. Will you and I sometimes fail on this road? No doubt, but let us be the ones who once and for all help our world turn corners to new mindsets dreamt of for millennia.You and I are here right now for THIS purpose to make THIS difference. That won't matter unless we are willing to lead by example.See your greatness and help others to see theirs too!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us