I Believe in You - Day 146 of 365 Days to a Better You

We deal, best as we can, with our self-talk all day, every day. The good thing about our internal dialogue is we can gain control of it through practice. However, we cannot always control the messages coming to us about us from the outside world.Many people are walking around scarred by something another person said to them a year, five years, 20 years ago. I've found, in my many years working with affirmations, that it's just as important to counter external messages with affirmations as it is our internal dialogue. These affirmations should be phrased just like you'd hear them from the outside.Today I've created a new affirmation video titled I Believe in You Affirmations #1. I want you to listen to this recording and see yourself receiving this positive reinforcement from the person that you most want that to hear it from. Imagine they are saying these words to you. Let them sink in deep and water the garden of your mind. If you find these resonate with you, try listening to this recording each day for the next 20 days. The more you listen the more these expressions of belief in you will build you up and help you excel in whatever you're doing.[embed width="123" height="456"]https://youtu.be/NKrXbliQEVo[/embed]Stay inspired, my friends, and thank you so much for your support of this blog and the TAS YouTube channel.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us
