10 Things I Know for Sure About You - Day 142 of 365 Days to a Better You

Good morning, my friends. Today I'll be quick and clear. Here are 10 things I absolutely, 100 percent know about you.

  1. You've barely scratched the surface of your potential.
  2. You're more than the stats say you are.
  3. You can handle a few more nos on your way to your BIG yes.
  4. You are resilient as hell. You're like a superball in your ability to bounce back.
  5. Big things are coming your way.
  6. Your passion and your talent will guide you to your promised land.
  7. Other people are already noticing you're a force to be reckoned with.
  8. Making your dent in this universe is inevitable.
  9. You're doubting some of these. Stop it! Your doubt is the only thing standing in your way.
  10. Your day in the sun has arrived.

Make the most of you! I believe in you. Meet me halfway and believe in you too!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us