The Teacher Affirmations Page

Teaching is a noble thing to do. Passing along the knowledge of the world to the next generation is critical to the progress of our species. Few jobs require as much dedication in return for so little financial reward. Teachers are true givers. Still, teachers also need to remember to take care of themselves too. If you're not a priority for you, you'll soon not be able to

Here is a long list of teacher affirmations. They are a mix of classroom motivation and self-care affirmations. Links take you to audio versions of the affirmations.

Teacher Affirmations

  1. Today, the teacher I always knew I could be shows up in my classroom.

  2. I believe in myself and my teaching abilities.

  3. My students get my best when I give myself my best.

  4. I became a teacher to make a difference and I make one every day.

  5. My students' success is my success.

  6. I am shaping the future of the country and the world.

  7. I motivate and empower my students to own their greatness.

  8. I know my job is challenging and I am up to that challenge.

  9. Small victories make big differences in the life of a student.

  10. My classroom is what I make of it and I make it great place to learn.

  11. Self-care matters and I lead by example.

  12. School time is their time. Home time is my time.

  13. I constantly look for ways to make a bigger difference.

  14. I let the politics be the politics. I focus on teaching.

  15. I create an environment of respect and responsibility in my classroom.

  16. I make learning accessible to all my students.

  17. Learning goes both ways in my classroom.

  18. When I feel like giving up, I remember why I teach.

  19. No matter how many students I see today, I remember each one is an individual.

  20. I always remember that learning should be fun.

  21. My principal thinks I'm awesome.

  22. My colleagues think I'm awesome.

  23. My students think I'm awesome.

  24. My parents think I'm awesome.

  25. I AM awesome.

  26. I am a better teacher every day.

  27. Teaching is my purpose. Teaching is my passion. Teaching is my life.

  28. Great teachers are great learners. I am a great teacher and a great learner.

  29. I am an awesome teacher making a real difference in the lives of my students today.

  30. Today my students have my absolute commitment.

  31. Today I give my students all I can so that tomorrow they can be all they can.

  32. My teaching makes an impact in the world in completely unexpected and amazing ways.

  33. Each and every day, I bring knowledge and dedication to my classroom.

  34. I love teaching! At the end of every day, I KNOW I have made a difference.

  35. I am a great teacher! I am a great teacher! I am a great teacher and I get better and better each and every day.

  36. I am a great teacher! Each day I strive to be that teacher my students will look back on an say, "Thanks!"

  37. I thrive on making my lessons relevant to the lives of my students and today I do.

  38. Teaching is more a relationship than a job or a role. Today I remember to relate the learning to each student,

  39. A great teacher lives within me! Today that teacher is shaping futures.

  40. Today and every day, I stay focused by remembering why I got into teaching.

  41. Each and every day, I share life's greatest gift - the gift of learning.

  42. My commitment to my students is unwavering, but they must meet me halfway.

  43. I own my responsibility as a teacher and insist that parents do the same.

  44. Like all good teachers, I share my knowledge. Like all great teachers, I share a my joy for life and learning.

  45. Every moment has within it, the power to transform every moment that came before it.

  46. Today I am a good teacher becoming a great teacher.

  47. Today I am a great teacher becoming a world-class teacher.

  48. Today I AM a world-class teacher.

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