Celebrating The Life Force - Day 121 of 365 Days to a Better You

Celebrating fertility, rebirth, and the life force.

Happy May Day or, as Celtic and Pagan cultures refer to it, Beltane. This holiday has been celebrated throughout Europe going back to Roman times as the midpoint (cross-quarter) between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice.year-celebrations-3088405_640Along with its opposite on the wheel of the year - Halloween - this day was considered by the ancients and some modern observers as one of the two times each year when the veil between our world and the spirit world thins.Beltane is a Celtic fire festival that celebrates both the rebirth of the world around us, since the beginning Spring six weeks earlier, and the life-force within us. Observance involves noticing the small things that bless our lives every day, understanding their fleeting nature, and finding the joy in it all.May Day is a celebration of fertility and the color and life that has now returned to the Earth. It is a celebration of warmth, positive energy, and the coming abundance of summer.Power hack: What can those of us who don't celebrate this day religiously take from these celebrations and apply to our lives?

  1. Pay close attention to and enjoy the way the Earth has come back to life. Feel yourself coming back to life. Stop and smell the flowers...literally.
  2. Feel the warming sun on your face and the fresh green grass between your toes.
  3. Notice the small blessings that fill your life and the people who share them with you.
  4. Consider, as we discussed in the Easter post, the power in this motif of rebirth and new life. Look for ways to use that metaphor in your life and endeavors.
  5. Become very conscious of the life-force that courses through you and everything and everyone around you.
  6. Absorb the positive energy of this time. Life is at full force and death has been conquered.

Some may be uncomfortable with playing too much into these celebrations for religious or scientific reasons. I'm a fan of making use of anything that comes your way to remind you of the power of the natural world and your connection to it. You don't have to be Wiccan or Celtic to see the good in that.Have an amazing day and thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to read the blog!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us