Finding Your Purpose: Three Ways to Know - Day 120 of 365 Days to a Better You

Everyone has a purpose. What's yours?

We've touched on this subject a couple of times previously in the 365 Days series. I came across a fantastic video by Bridget Nielsen on three ways to know what your purpose is.I thought these provided great insight and expanded on what I'd share previously. Take a look.The three ways to know your purpose.

  1. Passion + Talent. Discover your passion. Discover your talents. Cross-reference the two to find where they sync. This is a great first clue to your purpose. I've often said that your purpose lives at the intersection of Passion and Talent streets. Do something you're truly great at doing.
  2. It doesn't feel like work. This is great if you're just pursuing your passion as a hobby. If you're doing it as a business, this is an absolute requirement. What's the point of taking the risk to operate outside the relative security of the corporate world if your passion just feels like another job? You must find what you REALLY love doing.
  3. Does the world need it? This is the one I've probably overlooked the most myself. If you're trying to make a living with your passion, it's got to be something that the world wants and needs. You might be very passionate and very good, but if no one is interested it won't matter.

Powerhack: Find a passionate talent that doesn't feel like work and is in demand by the world. This is the key to making your passion your career.Stay inspired to be great and do great!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us