The Strangest Secret - Day 115 of 365 Days to a Better You

We become what we think about most of the time.

~Earl Nightingale

If you've learned anything across the first four months of our journey together, it's that thoughts are an exceptionally powerful force in the lives of human beings. More precisely, your thinking versus individual thoughts, can shift the outcome of your moment, your day, your life in profound ways.Many sages and philosophers have echoed the first part of Earl Nightingale's famous quote. Pay attention to the last four words "most of the time." That's critical to the equation.No passing thought - however positive or negative - has any real impact on you. They are like clouds quickly passing over the landscape. But, HOW you think and WHAT you think about most of the time becomes a weather pattern and eventually the climate of your mind.You need not worry about "having a negative thought." You should worry and work to shift your thinking when you find yourself perpetually stuck in the mode of one negative thought front after another raining on your parade.Power hack: Be like a meteorologist of your thoughts. Study and monitor them. Pay attention to what triggers the sunshine of positivity and what causes the dark clouds to appear and remain.The good news, unlike the real weather, this is actually weather you can shift, mold, and learn to control.Nightingale's famous presentation on his Strangest Secret makes the case for how important this process of weeding the garden of your mind is to your daily success and happiness and your ultimate outcome.Your thinking projects and predicts your future to an amazing degree. If you don't like where it's going, now is the time to begin shifting that trend.Thanks for reading. Have an amazing day!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us