Define Yourself on Your Terms - Day 109 of 365 Days to a Better You

Read from your own dictionary.

If I got a group of you in a room and asked you to close your eyes and imagine a table, you'd all imagine a different table. It's not because we don't all know what a table is. It's because, even for a commonplace thing like a table, we all see our own version when we hear the word.The same is true for important words like love, happiness, success, freedom, and compassion. What those words mean to the society as a whole, to me, or to anyone you know matters not. In the context of your life, it only matters what they mean to YOU!Why would you choose to live by anyone else's definitions of important words like that? As well meaning as they may be, your mother, your friend, your boss invariably have different visions of these words.Power hack: You must always and everywhere feel perfectly free to define these words for yourself. I'd encourage you to give some thought to what happiness, success, freedom, and other words on your list really mean to YOU!We are so fortunate to live in a time when we have the freedom - and why that is so important - to live according to the definitions of ourselves that make sense to us. So, stop memorizing that old "society says" dictionary and write your own dictionary these for life-changing concepts. Then go out and live it!Have an amazing Friday. Thank you for reading this blog! If you enjoy it, please share it with a friend or with your social media circle. Thanks for your support!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us