Improve Your Self-Talk with Affirmations

Today's Quote

It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.
~Muhammad Ali

Many people don't call affirmations affirmations. They call them something else, but we are all using affirmations all day long every day. Many successful people, like the great boxing champion Muhammad Ali, have specifically called out their use of affirmations as a key part of their success.

You may challenge the idea that you use affirmations. "Ray, I've never sat in front of mirror or listened to recorded affirmations." Maybe not, but you do say and think "I am" or "I am not" or "I can" or "I can't" or "I choose to" or "I choose not to" all day long every day.

These are affirmations and they are impacting your belief and your outcomes. The key to succeeding with affirmations is to get conscious about what you're saying to yourself - your self-talk - all day long and use it to your advantage. The alternative is to go through life unconsciously affirming other peoples’ conditioning of you without challenge.

Successful entrepreneurs, athletes, entertainers, salespeople will all tell you that mindset is everything in what they do. It's the foundation without which the rest is impossible. I've been writing, recording, and using affirmations for 30 years, not because I'm "Mr. Positive" 24/7, but because I need them to overcome my own human propensity to see the negative instead of the positive. Frankly, that's true of most people. Left to our own devices, unless you're one of the lucky few, you need cultivate a positive mindset that supports your goals.

The great Zig Ziglar made this point succinctly.

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily."

Power hack: Get conscious about what you’re saying to yourself all day long. Learn more about affirmations and begin applying them constructively in service of your goals and aspirations in your life.

I welcome questions below. I've written and recorded literally thousands of affirmations over the years. I've used them for virtually everything in my life and I’ve helped others do the same.

I've also, on occasion, written and recorded affirmations for people. If you'd be interested in help with your affirmations, reach out to me privately soulerflare at Put affirmations in the header.

Thanks, as always, reading today.
