Your Spinach and Your Kryptonite - Day 93 of 365 Days to a Better You

What's your spinach and what's your Kryptonite?

Perhaps the oldest and most prolific aphorism in human experience is, "Know Thyself." Yesterday we talked about the narratives in your life. These narratives are deeply embedded. Changing them is not a flip-of-the-switch proposition. Navigating that path to change is filled with hazards. You have to know what your "spinach" is and what your "Kryptonite" is.Back in the day, Popeye the Sailor Man was constantly getting himself in tough spots. Just when it seemed all was lost, he'd down a can of spinach and instantly be super-charged to take on any challenge. Conversely, Superman is almost always winning until someone pulls out the one thing that can stop him - Kryptonite.[wpvideo i762r8aG]Every one of us has our proverbial spinach and Kryptonite. You must know yourself well enough to know what yours are. What feeds you and gives you practical super powers and what beats you down and defeats you every time? There's no shame in admitting the latter...NONE. We all have our weaknesses. It just means you're part of the human race.Whether you're trying to tackle a huge demon like an addiction or fine tune your plan for career success, changing your narratives is about leaning on your spinach and avoiding the triggers that spawn your Kryptonite.Trust me, you can and many people have spent their lifetimes in therapy focusing on how to stop their Kryptonite from being their Kryptonite. They are better served and results come much faster when they focus on how eat their spinach every single day and pull on their strengths.That's not to say that your Kryptonite won't bite you from time-to-time or that you should swallow feelings that need to come out. It is saying, as Rumi so eloquently asked and advised,

“When you go to a garden, do you look at thorns or flowers? Spend more time with the roses and jasmine.”

Your Kryptonite can only defeat you if you constantly take it out of the proverbial box and focus on it. If you do, you'll continue to propagate narratives of sadness and defeat. But, if you have the persistence and the courage eat your spinach regularly, narratives can be transformed and so can your life trajectory.Power hack: Your mission is to figure out what your spinach is.

  • Time alone?
  • Time with your kids?
  • Time at the gym?
  • Time in nature?
  • Your favorite music playlist?
  • Your affirmations?
  • Your vision board?

I'd love you to leave a comment below and let me know what your spinach is!Just in case no one else tells you today, YOU'RE AWESOME!Ray