Listen to People Who Have Succeeded #1 - Day 80 of 365 Days to a Better You

Listen to people who have succeeded #1

People who achieve massive success in their own right don't have it handed to them. They face many of the same doubts and challenges you face. It's why we can find courage and inspiration in their stories.Take this young boy growing up in a war-decimated Austria after World War II. He aspired to be a world-champion bodybuilder, a leading man in the movies, and an American citizen. The people around him told him he was crazy. Someone like him could never achieve things like that. That little boy's name was Arnold Schwarzenegger and all of those dreams - and more - came true for him.What was his road to success? He outlines his five rules for success in this video. They're rules that we can all easily apply to what we're trying to achieve.

  1. Find your vision
  2. Never ever think small
  3. Ignore the naysayers
  4. Work your ass off
  5. Don't just take, give back

[embed width="123" height="456"][/embed]Let's all commit to be our best and do our best!Ray